The Global Coalition on Migration (GCM) is a multi-sector alliance of regional and international networks that strives to impact global policy on migration and migrant and labour rights, by sharing strategies, empowering, mobilizing and leading in common action towards advancing human rights and global justice for migrants and their families. GCM’s approach to rights-based policy is both rooted in and dependent on its members’ ability to connect that framework to implementation at national, state or even city levels.
As a network of networks, GCM members are rooted in their regional as well as national realities, where migration policies play out in varying ways. For more information, visit our website.
The Friedrich Ebert Foundation is the oldest political foundation in Germany with a rich tradition in socil democracy dating back to its founding in 1925. It is a non-profit institution active in Germany and around the world. With our international network of offices in more than 100 countries, we advocate a policy of peaceful coexistence and human rights, promote the establishment and consolidation of democratic, social and constitutional structures, and pave the way for free trade unions and a strong civil society.
We actively advocate a social, democratic and competitive Europe in the European integration process. For more information, please visit our website.
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